I have some new textile work based on domestic memories and a Mother Goose theme at Avenue 50 Studio gallery -- please join us at the opening on Saturday, March 14 in conjunction with NELA Art Night:

Reception: MARCH 14, 2009 from 7-10 pm
Jurors: Connie Rohman, curator and fiber artist; Kathy Gallegos, Director of Avenue 50 Studio
Honorary Juror and fiber artist Gloria Molina, LA County Supervisor will present the Juror's Choice Award
Nalia Aladdin Sanders, Madeline Bajracharya, Patt Blair, Shelly Brucar, Roberta Chalfy Miller, Phaedra Cheydleur, Joanell Connolly, Maureen M. Cox, Ann Darling, Raoul De La Sota, Jessica Drummond, Jamie Fingal, Dellis Frank, Georgia Freedman-Harvey, Gwen Freeman, Cicely Gilman, Sally Gould Wright, Cidne Hart, Marka Harwell-Bentley, Heather Hoggan, Ruby Horansky, Harumi Iida, Rebecca Janes, Gwen Jones, Georgianne Kandler, Smadar Knobler, Phillippa Lack, Linda Laird, Carol Larson, Susan Lasch Krevitt, Mary Ellen Latino, Sandra E. Lauterbach, Mavis Leahy, Ann Loveless, Pam Lowe, Regina Marzlin, Kathleen McCabe, Linda Miller, Uwimana Moore, Alison Muir, Diane Nunez, Mirjam Pet-Jacobs, Pamela Price Kiebaum, Janett Rice, Ann Ridge, Mary Beth Schwartzenberger, Cynthia St. Charles, Meredith Strauss,
Deborah Thomas, Karen Valderrama, E. Vereycken, Binah Waite-Williams, Carol Ann Waugh, Deborah Weir
“SAA Squared”, a small works fiber art exhibition, opens at the Los Angeles art gallery, Avenue 50 Studio on March 14th. Extending through April 5th in the gallery’s main space, this unique fiber arts exhibition is sponsored by the Surface Art Association, an arts organization that promotes fiber art and provides support for local fiber artists.
The “SAA Squared” exhibition gives the viewer a compelling introduction to fiber arts. “There is a current explosion in the use of fiber and textiles in the field of contemporary art”, says Connie Rohman, co-juror, “Fine artists are moving into fiber art because they can do things that they can’t with other mediums, and art quilters have moved away from their traditional roots to approach their work with an arts perspective”.
Artists from all over the world were invited to create small fiber works that are 12” square. Jurors Kathy Mas-Gallegos, director of Avenue 50 Studio, Connie Rohman, curator and fiber artist, and Honorary Juror and fiber artists Gloria Molina, LA County Supervisor, chose work from Australia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, and Spain, as well as from all over the United States.
“SAA Squared” will be on exhibition from March 14th to April 5, 2009. LA County Supervisor Gloria Molina will present the Juror’s Choice Award at the opening night reception. The opening reception, from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, Saturday March 14, is part of NELA’s Second Saturday Art Tour in the Highland Park and Eagle Rock neighborhoods of Los Angeles.
Where: Avenue 50 Studio, Inc., 131 N. Avenue 50, Highland Park, CA 90042
When: Saturday, March 14, 2009 from 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Gallery hours: Tuesday through Thursday 10 am – 12 noon, Saturday and Sunday 10 am – 4 pm
Duration: March 14 through April 5, 2009-02-21
For further information, please call 323-258-1435 or visit www.avenue50studio.com